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A lot of noise happening around one table in a well known Restaurant. What was the matter was the suspense for the people sitting at other tables. It was dinner time around 9 pm in the night. The Restaurant was full as usual. it was in the upmarket and most of the time the Restaurant was busy buzzing with people of all ages why not the ambience was amazing and the food served there was so good. . Since it was located in the midst of greenery it was preferred by many. . On weekends it was not easy to get a table. It had to be booked in advance. Apart from food the other add on was the music that was by artists live that simply was a treasure to the eye and heavenly to the ears. There was even a corner meant for display and sale of handicrafts from different parts of India and around the World. A bumper offer for ladies specially this was the other way people preferred to go there. So all in all it was a favorite for many.              

Now let us come to the present situation. Nitin and his family had come to the Restaurant as it was Dusshera festival and so vacation time. As said earlier festival menu was special and mouth-watering. All were eagerly waiting for the steward to come and take the food order. . Meanwhile they were going through the menu card. Few dishes were selected from the list. Menu for each person was different. His grandparents did not want dishes with onions and garlic as it was Durga Puja festival. Nitins younger siblings were ok with any dish and his parents too were not for onion and garlic mixed dishes. After some discussion, they all get ready to order their favorite dishes Just as Nitin was checking the dishes he felt the Resturant was charging more than usual in the name of Special orders added with GST and additional taxes. The bill would be high what with so many family members present for dinner that night. He whispers in his cousins ears about the prices. They both excuse themselves with the reason that had to go to the washroom and come up with a nasty plan. They collect few flies that were hovering around the tree branches and the lights around. . Put them in a paper napkin and quietly come back to their seats. They were ready with the plan that was mean. All of them order the food and keep chatting before the food is served. Nitin and his cousin were busy planning how to implement their idea. The waiter comes with the Soup and starters. They were so tasty wow. !

After that comes the main course. It included Indian bread with Mushroom curry and cottage cheese curry. The aroma itself was so mouth-watering. Ladies in the group were serving these dishes in the plates. Just then the young kid in the group shouts What is this? showing few scattered worms in the mushroom dish. On checking closely they all understood it was a group of flies and their wings Oh no what rubbish they all thought and so the noise and ruckus at those tables. Nitin and his cousin were observing everything quietly and they knew the real fact and it was the secret they had to keep to themselves lest they would be thrashed by the family members. The hotel staff would also insult them in front of the other customers. Why they were lost in such thoughts you might be wondering, it was because they both had emptied the paper napkins with the dead flies into the mushroom dish so that the Hotel management would be threatened by these fellows for not maintaining Sanitation and would be cautioned that there would be a complaint with the food and safety department. The Hotel may be shut down. Hearing all the noise the Hotel management comes and pacifies Nitin and all his family members.

They even gave them some amount as complimentary and did not charge a single penny as a bill. This is one dark secret they both are forced to keep. Whenever they pass in front of the Restaurant they do feel guilty for what they had done but forgive themselves with the thought that they were able to fool the Resturant management for the high rates and taxes they were collecting. As the saying goes everything is fair in __ve and _ar.

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