Sanket Potphode



Sanket Potphode




2 mins

Life..... a four-letter simple word but is having a deep impact. The meaning of the word 'Life' changes according to the individual's perception. For me, the word 'Life' means 'Live In Fantastic Environment'. I think the environment in which we live, leaves a deep impact on our personality. It helps us to develop our personality. So if you are living in a depressing environment or if you are surrounded by so many worries it will depress your personality, on the other hand, if you are surrounded by energetic people, their positive vibes will help to lift up your morale and forget your worries.

But depending too much on our surroundings to live a fantastic life is also not advisable. The question here is ' What you can do for it?' The answer is simple - Let go your worries. Worries are the reason because of which you cannot enjoy your life. Everyone is surrounded by worries but we often see people who enjoy their life at their full potential, How do they do it? Simple, they convert their problems and worries into motivation, they take it as a challenge and work hard towards completing it. So the next question is how we can forget our worries? Again the answer is easy, Do anything t

hat gives you pleasure, it can be listening to the songs, having a conversation with your bestie or to some people sleep gives them pleasure. Just do it! Reading motivational blogs or autobiographies of successful people can also help. When you will read their problems you will recognize that your life is much easier than theirs and it will give you motivation and a completely different angle towards seeing your life.

The next thing you should do is open up yourself. Thinking what others will say will give you nothing but complex. As far as you think its correct and ethical go for it otherwise, on the deathbed when your all life is passing by in front of your eyes you will realize that you have done nothing exciting in your life. Thinking at that time that " yaar us time ye chiz ki hoti to accha hota..uss timeme bina dare bina jyada kuch soche ye karta to me aj kahi aur hota" is useless. you get to live life only once so encash it when there is time.

So in short, ' Start enjoying life. Follow your dreams, work hard to bring them into reality. Let go your worries and problems, open-up yourself and start living your life' Have a wonderful life ahead.

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