Kavitha Chandran



Kavitha Chandran


Learning Lessons Daily

Learning Lessons Daily

1 min

Doing home chores is the best form of exercise for women.

This is the most important lesson learned today.

It helps us channelize our energies towards positive things in life. There is no time to quarrel or banter. Even if we don't do Zumba, Pilates or aerobics still home chores are very beneficial for women. Our mothers and grandmothers had good health because they used to do all home chores by themselves. They never got tired easily. Their immune system was good. They can s

till give our generation today a run for their money. Even health issues were less for them. Women today face so many issues like ovarian cysts, irregular periods, uterus removal...All these health issues diminished in their age. We could hardly hear about any health disorders for women. Nowadays as we lead sedentary lifestyle health issues are more. So on this platform, there can be dialogues about good women's health. So this lockdown I pray for good health and wellbeing for girlchild and women.

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