Lalit meena

Children Stories Horror Fantasy


Lalit meena

Children Stories Horror Fantasy



7 mins

It was the long stretch of September. It was a dim evening. Gradually the virus rushes of wind were coming, lightning was sparkling overhead. Mahendra uncle was dozing in a bunk in his field, away from his home.

His ranch was close to the town lake. Because of downpour, the whole lake was filled and the grass in the field was likewise congested. This appeared to be more alarming than him out of the loop. There were 6-7 major mango trees on the banks of that lake. The parts of the mango tree was likewise exceptionally frightening.

Unexpectedly the bison tied in the field began yelling. Mahendra uncle didn't actually have the foggiest idea why this bison was doing this. They felt that perhaps this bison should do this because of the virus. To that end a chimney was lit in the field of Mahendra uncle.

In the radiance of that chimney, the eyes of Mahendra uncle fell on his bunk. He saw a woman sitting on his bed. Seeing this, his body began shaking with rate. At that point there was major areas of strength for a strike overhead.

Despite the fact that Mahendra uncle was courageous, however today he was likewise feeling somewhat frightened. Simultaneously, Kaka put dry grass in the fire and expanded the fire, because of which the lady was apparent appropriately.

Mahendra uncle, sitting with Tapne, blast when he plunked down, "Who is it?" But there was no new reaction from the front. That is the reason Kaka was shocked. Something new rung a bell. Uncle stood up.

That is the reason Mahendra Kaka felt that now there will be a genuinely new thing from being apprehensive, I need to act with mental fortitude, on the grounds that the person who got frightened perceived that he kicked the bucket.

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Uncle took a major wood in his grasp and said who are you? For what reason do you believe I'm terrified of you? Yet, the reality of the situation was that the uncle was shudder with dread from inside. Seeing this irate look of uncle, the woman stood up and said boisterously, "Would you confirm or deny that you fear me...?"

Uncle tried and expressed, "Leave or probably I will beat you with sticks and break your head". Talking like this, Mahendra's uncle raised the stick and while lady raised her voice. "Presently you will drive me out of my own home? This is where my experience growing up has passed. This is my own home. I have been living here for a really long time.

Hearing this, both the apprehension and outrage of the uncle quieted down. He felt that I realized the lady remaining before me, her voice additionally appeared to be natural. Uncle began thinking who is this lady?

On the off chance that I know this lady, for what reason would she say she is in a particularly horrible and considerable structure? Out of nowhere, gracious it's Jyoti, my senior sister. In my young life, Jyoti and I used to cooperate in the field for four cuts.

Presently Mahendra uncle grasped the entire thing. This is about Jyoti's young life. At the point when Jyoti was 14 years of age, she was playing for certain offspring of the town in a similar field. Like different kids, Jyoti also was climbing a tree and bouncing from one branch to another.

Abruptly the branch on which Jyoti was sitting destitute and Jyoti tumbled down all over. Seeing this, every one of the kids began shouting in dread. Hearing the shouts of the kids, the seniors arrived at there and got Jyoti and took her to the medical clinic, however by then it was past the point of no return. Jyoti had kicked the bucket.

Mahendra uncle recollected everything, and he went directly to Jyoti and began crying. At the point when the locals came to realize about this, every one of the residents were stunned. It was the actual light, truth be told.

A town senior said that, "Jyoti was a youngster when she kicked the bucket. That is the reason she was covered as a youngster. In any case, she truly should have been incinerated."

To that end Jyoti's spirit is meandering till today. Mahendra uncle quickly removed Jyoti from the spot where she was covered. Nobody was having the guts that anybody might go close to him.

Simultaneously Jyoti's spirit came before the residents and said, "OK, you are correct, I am dead, you don't have

to fear me, I am as yet the little girl of this town, yet I am today I am meandering till then, at that point, give me opportunity.

Later Mahendra uncle performed fire customs of Jyoti's shab and gave harmony to her spirit.

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2nd story


It involved the day when Rakesh had the phantom of turning into a photographic artist. He squabbled with his dad and took the cash and purchased another camera.

Around then, everything noticeable around him and man, creature used to take photos of the world and he, when all is said and done, was viewed as an expert photographic artist.

In any case, my circumstance got really ugly while a frightening threatening soul was caught in my camera.

At first I thought it was only a dull and white photograph. However, when I looked cautiously, my ruvante stood up on the grounds that I could see a few little two eyes in it and those eyes were furiously searching before my camera.

Because of dread, I eradicated that photograph right away and left the camera in the butt.

Around 2 o'clock in the evening, the voice began to be heard gradually from Kabatme. I was extremely frightened and in dread I opened the entryway of the cabana and saw that the camera had emerged from the cover and the camera tapped the photograph by tapping the focal point before me.

This was an extremely terrifying episode. I quickly ran out of my room and awakened every one individuals of the house.

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Hearing this entire episode, Papa went to my room and began checking the camera yet none of my photographs were noticeable. Seeing this, Papa let me know that this is just your deception. I likewise believed that this is my deception.

Recently in the early evening I was perched on the bank of the stream and taking photographs with the camera. Afterward, in the wake of snapping the picture, taking a gander at the photograph in the camera, I saw that the photograph that I had eradicated, a similar horrendous photograph had come back again in my memory.

Seeing it, I was extremely frightened and promptly deleted a similar photograph once more. At the point when I saw the remainder of the photographs, my feet began shudder. You couldn't envision what was in it?

This was the photograph I conversed with my dad about. What's more, in similar photograph, a phantom with red eyes was remaining behind me.

As of now, I didn't delete that photograph, however aside from this, the wide range of various photographs were eradicated. What's more, quickly took the camera and went directly to show it to Papa.

However, astonishingly, when I showed my dad the memory of the camera, it was totally vacant. That day my dad flew off the handle with me.

Furthermore, told me, "In the event that you could do without this camera, then, at that point, toss it or sell it, yet don't come to me with such dumb things."

On the second day around evening time, the dread of dread began with me once more. Presently leisurely, the sound of photograph click began coming from the bandh kabut.

I realized this was not my deception. Since I have a total nonbeliever mind that doesn't put stock in otherworldly occasions.

Toward the beginning of the day I took out the camera with fortitude and began seeing the memory once more. it had no apparition photographs

Yet, a dark outlined photograph was found in which it was composed… .. "His discipline for the phantom to detain me… you should give your life."

Seeing these photographs, I was blown away. My pulse unexpectedly expanded. I likewise realize that this undermining photograph will be eradicated from memory before going to be seen by anybody.

The camera I purchased for Rs 45000 was sold for Rs 20000. I didn't be aware from what date that phantom got detained in my camera. Yet, that apparition probably comprehended that I detained him in Janbuj's camera.

Presently I began getting terrified of photography and camera that in the event that the apparition of that camera won't kill me?

Companions, how could you like this story ( Camera ka Bhoot - Real Ghost Story in Hindi) kindly tell us by remarking.

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