Suchismita Behera

Children Stories


Suchismita Behera

Children Stories



2 mins

Once upon a time there was a mango tree. Event year during the summer season, people were waiting to eat yellow, ripen mangoes. But unfortunately every year it was disappointing as no mangoes were being grown or even if they were, they fall down easily. For this reason, the mango tree was also getting sad because no body was loving it.

One day it told the nearby grasses that no body loves me because it does not give mangoes. Then the grasses said, "No dear, it's not like that, it's all about the rain that should work for you". Maybe you are in need of more water. One grass said, "See, last year you have given few mangoes, but this year you could not". This is not your fault at all. We are small creatures, so, for us, little amount of water is sufficient but this is not applicable for all right. Mango tree said,"Hmmm". Then another grass said, let's survive in this period too and wait for the upcoming rainy season,"May be that will bring some good news for you". With this discussion, they all slept that night.

A few months later, heavy rainfall happened.

The mango tree was very happy and waiting for the upcoming summer with great hope. Then in the summer of the next year, it was full of mangoes. Everyone just coming to it and collecting mangoes from it. The mango tree was very happy and along with it, the grasses were also happy for their friend.

MORAL OF THE STORY- Keep the hope alive and let your turn come.

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