Mike Scott



Mike Scott


Ajay's Childhood Part 2 Ajay Stories

Ajay's Childhood Part 2 Ajay Stories

11 mins

I got home absolutely humiliated. I cleaned myself up as best I could and walked inside wearing some other person's clothes from the lost and found. I was absolutely embarrassed by those two girls but I was powerless to do anything. They were bigger and stronger than me and had me so scared I did anything they told me. Just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. I hid everything from my parents and just locked myself in my room saying I had a headache. My mother asked to bring me up some soup but I told her I just want to sleep it off. I laid in my bed and just thought. Thought about what happened, thought about those girls and what they did to me. But this size humiliation isn't the first time I've had to deal with this. I thought about all the times I've felt embarrassed about my size, teased to my face, or even people inadvertently making me feel uncomfortable without realizing it. 

No one really started noticing my size problems until I turned 12. I was always one of the shorter kids in class but when I switched schools to the 6th grade, I was the shortest. All the boys were much taller than me by atleast 10 inches and all the girls were taller than me too. I was right around 4 feet tall were the shortest girl had 3 inches on me. 

The teasing didn't begin until the gym classes. I struggled to keep up with the other kids in sports. They were bigger, stronger, faster than me. I began to be the reason our teams lost in games to the point where the kids would make fun of me and start picking me last. The gym teacher even tried moving me to play with the girls. I was a bit more competitive then but when the bigger girls were on the other team, I didn't stand a chance. Basketball, soccer, football, even badminton, I was the worst. 

That's when my shyness started slowly taking over. I started feeling embarrassed to be around the other kids, everyone would comment and tease me about my size and I would just try and hide myself. Keep me out of people's eyes to avoid being teased. I did this so much, I just stopped talking. I would avoid conversations so that my size wouldn't be brought up. I focused on my school work and my studies because my size didn't matter with that. But the physical and social aspects of school always came into play and always embarrassed me.

In one of our gym classes, we practiced wrestling. The school wanted us to practice some grappling moves with each other. Our gym teacher Ms. Anand was a fun but strict teacher. She was fairly young, maybe in her mid 20's. She was very focused on fitness and exercise and wanted us to have the same focus. You can tell how much she loved fitness by looking at her. She had a very fit body. She was around 5'7 in tall and I would guess somewhere around 70 KG. She always wore shorts and a t-shirt so you could see how strong her legs and arms were. Her leg muscles would show below her shorts and her arms were quite defined. She was equally pretty with black hair down to her shoulders with some blonde coloring. This day, she was wearing a tight white polo shirt and red shorts. She had nice running shoes on with white gym socks she had pulled up to her calf. 

She organized us into pairs, she paired me with the next smallest boy in the class. I always noticed she would try and keep an eye out for me in class, probably because of my height. Unfortunately, even the next smallest boy was much taller than me. She showed us a flip she wanted us to practice with each other and how to defend the flip. Basically, you crawl below the opponent's leg, get him on your back and flip him over onto the mat. So we tried it out. My opponent flipped me in seconds. I tried my best to defend it but he had no trouble. During my turn, I got underneath but I couldn't flip him. He just pressed me down and then threw me over top. We went at it again and the same result. We tried a third time, this time Ms.Anand was around to watch and my opponent, seeing that, maybe trying to impress her, made it quite obvious how much bigger he was holding me back with a hand and laughing until he pressed me down and flipped me over. With the momentum, I rolled off the mat and hit the floor. Ms. Anand immediately ran over to me. She crouched down on the floor beside me to check on me. "Ajay, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere honey?" She asked. She always used words like honey and sweetie when she talked to me like I was her baby or something. "I'm fine," I said. "OK, you're sure nothing is hurting," she said hold my arm and checking my legs for bruises. "Yes Ms, I'm okay," I said pulling away. "OK hun, maybe we should try pairing you with someone closer to your size. Preeti, come here, you pair with Ajay." I couldn't believe she was pairing me with a girl. Preeti was still a few inches taller than me so I understood her logic but still, it was embarrassing. "But Ms.Anand, she's a girl." "Sweetie, Preeti will be fine with you, she's about your size, maybe even a little bigger," she said with a smirk. She winked at me and ruffled my hair as she walked away.

Preeti came over and looking at her across the mat as an opponent, she looked big. She all of a sudden looked very tall and very wide. "Cmon Ajay, I'm just a girl, let's see what you can do" I charged her trying to get underneath to flip, but she just shoved me down and held my head down onto the mat and I couldn't break free. "So little Ajay," she said finally letting me up. I tried again and the same thing but this time she pinned my arms down in a headlock. "Say I give up and I'll let you go," Preeti said. "Never" and I tried with all I had to break free, but I was stuck, she wasn't moving. By now we had drawn some attention from the other students. "Ajay, I'll give you one more chance to give up" "Never," I said and continued to try. I pulled myself up to my knees b

ut then she let go of the headlock and wrapped her arms around my waist. I was on my knees with my head in between her legs and her arms around my waist. And then I felt myself lifting off the ground. Preeti had stood up with me upside down in her arms. I gasped for air and yelled to be put down. "Not until you say you give up," she said. She gave me a shake in her arms and I felt almost hit the floor headfirst, but she still had a strong grip on me in the air. Now all the kids had turned around to look at us and started howling in laughter. "OK Preeti, I give up, you win, let me down." " Good boy, now say that you're a weak little boy and I'm stronger than you" " What!! No way" I exclaim. She shakes me again as a threat of dropping me on the floor headfirst. I was just about to say what she wanted when Ms. Anand came out of nowhere to see what was going on. "Preeti!! What are you doing, put him down this instant!!" Ms.Anand exclaimed. "But Ms.Anand, he was acting like girls was too weak to wrestle with him. I just wanted to show him we are just as strong" Preeti said while still holding me upside down. 

By this time Ms.Anand was standing right in front of us. "I don't want to hear it Preeti," she said angrily, "This is not what this class is about" Then to my surprise, Ms.Anand crouched down a bit, reached over, and grabbed me from Preeti's hands, and took me into hers in a cradle carry. I, a 12-year-old, was being cradled like a child by his gym teacher. "We solve conflicts with words Preeti, not by violence. This class was so you could all learn to defend yourselves, not to pick on each other, is that understood?" said Ms.Anand to Preeti all while holding me in her arms. Preeti nodded yes and walked back to the girl's side of the gym. Ms.Anand finally looked down at me in her arms and smiled softly. "Are you OK sweetie" she whispered softly to me. I nodded yes. She gave me a little squeeze and let me back down on my feet but kept a hand on my shoulder keeping me in front of her. I noticed then the size difference between us, I barely came up to her belly button and her hand literally covered my entire shoulder. "OK everyone, please go get changed, class is over" Ms.Anand yelled out to the class. Everyone emptied out of the gym into the changerooms. I tried to step forward to go too but was held back by Ms.Anand's hand on my shoulder. " Not you sweetie, I wanted to talk with you for a minute, come with me to my office." 

And we walked into her office, her continuing to keep her hand on my shoulder. Once we got in, she closed the door and locked it. She turned around and looked at me for a second, with a look of care and even a slight bit of pity. She then motioned for me to come towards her. I walked towards her as she walked towards me, now with her arms outstretched. As I got closer, she bent down and with no effort at all, lifted me up by the armpits and held me up in her arms. She cupped her hands around my butt and I was just being held up there in her arms, straddling her front. I didn't know what to say or do, I'm 12 years old but she was holding me like a child. She just stood there looking at me for a minute. 

Finally, she whispered, "That must have been embarrassing for you, I'm sorry I paired you with her like that. I thought it would have been more of competition if she was your opponent but I was wrong. All I did was embarrass you in the process. I apologize for that, I'm sorry hun" I was a bit shocked at my situation for a second, just staring back at her in her arms. "It's OK it wasn't your fault." "But It was my fault." Ms.Anand began pacing around the office, still with me tight in her arms straddling her front. She walked me to her chair and sat down lowering me so that I was standing between Ms.Anad's legs. She grabbed my hands and held them together with 1 hand. "I'm trying to look after you and make sure you don't get hurt, but I didn't do a good job today." " Umm, Ms.Anand, I have a question," I said timidly. "What is it, sweetie?" She asked. "Why is it that you look after me so much and call me sweetie and honey?" Ms.Anand looked at me for a second before she moved her legs in-between mine and then lifted me up onto her lap, I was again straddling her front, this time on her lap, with both my legs hanging off either side of the chair. She wrapped both her arms around me and locked her hands together behind my back holding me in place on her lap. "Well, isn't it obvious sweetie, you're just so small and fragile, I feel like I need to protect you here in this school. Honestly, you remind me of my baby brother when he was younger. I used to watch out for him and hold him and rock him in my lap like I'm doing to you now" she said and gave my cheek a quick pinch. But he's 16 now and much too big, but you're just so small and cute." She gave me a big hug while on her lap. My hands instinctively went around her neck, when she felt that, she got overjoyed and stood up with me hanging on to her like a baby hanging onto his mommy. She held me a bit longer and then looked down at me. "You'll come to find me if you ever get into any trouble right honey? I nodded yes. "Good boy," she said, giving me a kiss on the forehead and putting me back down. "Now go get changed," she said giving my butt a pat to hurry out. I quickly went into the changeroom which was emptied by now, changed, and got out of there. I couldn't believe what had happened today, thrown around by a girl my age and then easily carried around like a child by my gym teacher. My encounters with Ms.Anand were less, I was switched to another gym class so I didn't see her much. When I did see her in the hallway, she always smiles kindly towards me, and I of course smile back. I thought that my stress would now be over but little did I know, my struggles so far were only the beginning.

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