Avi Atharv

Children Stories Classics Inspirational


Avi Atharv

Children Stories Classics Inspirational

A Perfect Man

A Perfect Man

2 mins

A man with qualities like rudeness, angriness, vile in nature and even a jinoist is not a perfect man but is an abominable person. He or She will become arrogant and angry anytime and is a heavyweight on our Mother Earth. He should be treated as badly as he or she behaves in front of you. Actually, a person filled with gratitude, gentleness, wiseness and loyalty is a perfect man. Even an intelligent or eloquent person may or may not be a perfect man. A person who is rude, always angry, arrogant is in jeopardy for the earth but a perfect man will adore all people and animals of the world and wi

ll make decisions wisely so a perfect man is marvellous for leadership and is honeydew for the earth. The best example of a perfect man is Lord Ram. Ram was a person who lived in the forest with his brother and wife because of his father’s oath to his mother's two wishes. The first was to give Ram’s kingdom to Bharat and the second was Ram exile to the forest for 14 years. He also left his brother Lakshman and wife Sita for truth. Therefore Ram was of the few people who were Perfect and we can learn from this writing that we can’t be perfect but we can go the way of perfection and can be nearly perfect.

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