What Do You See?

What Do You See?

1 min

Look all around you

What do you see?

Do you see something unique

Or do you only see me?

Look all around you

Can you see those yellowing leaves?

Or do you only see the green ones,

Just like how everyone else perceives?

Look all around you

Can you see those people dying

From diseases and floods and war?

Or do you only believe those who are lying?

Look all around you

What do you see through your eyes?

Trust only t


That's the preaching of the wise.

Look all around you

Your eyes you must train

To spot the tears of the people

From what others call as drops of rain.

Look all around you

Do your eyes see this view?

Children crying, people dying

There are saviours left only a few.

Look all around you

And tell me what do your eyes notice.

Do you want to work for everyone's betterment

Or only the powerful's hands you want to kiss?

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