Voice of Dumb

Voice of Dumb

1 min

Voice of dumb speaks

Louder than intelligent.

Being trapped in the

World of ignorance,they

Feel privilege to be so.

No urge to compete,

Being supreme in their

Own eyes and posses a

Unique sense of despondency.

Spread the aroma of failure

They spark a conversation

With irrelevant arguments

Supported by no facts.

Only motive lies in dragging


ne to their level of

Ignorance to a great extent.

Lack a sense of judgement,

So that wrong is the only notion.

Uncountable dumb surrounding one

Make a lot of pollution than vehicle.

You need to identify these dumb

Through their attitudes and

Don’t let their energy

Alter your peace of mind

Destroy your ability to think positive

Avoid them as soon as possible

Before your world turns up and down.

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