The Jetty In The Water

The Jetty In The Water

2 mins


As the Sun is bidding adieu to us and is setting for the day,

The sheen of crimson peeps through curtains of grey.

Clouds partially veil the Sun as it shines in hues galore-

I look around, I am alone with no one on the shore.


I shift my attention to the jetty ahead of me-

Somehow it liberates my thoughts, makes me feel free.

Bound in shackles of thoughts for so long I was drifting-

Now gradually all the weights seem to be lifting.


Scared of waters for forever that I was-

Walking on the jetty, for me would mean breaking my own laws.

But then I gather my thoughts & think what these laws really are

In my self-control mode have I not gone too far!


I decide to betray my laws today & on the jetty I’d walk

On those self-imposed limitations, I would mock.<


The first step is difficult & sure I am afraid-

With resolve in my heart, today I will wade.


As I walk on, my fears are seeming to melt away

My expression of freedom I am finding today

I reach the end of the jetty, my legs are shaking

But my heart is light, as if from a deep slumber I am waking.


I turn back & the shore seems to be left behind,

In that moment I do know that liberation is a state of mind.

I can decide to be trapped in the abyss of my own mind

Or all those ranting thoughts I can choose to leave behind.


I spread my arms and let the breeze flow past my being-

Liberation from my own self today I am seeing-

O dear jetty on the water, thank you for allowing me to walk on you today-

You have cleared the mist and given way to a brighter day! 

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