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Rajesh Hiremath



Rajesh Hiremath


The God Songs

The God Songs

7 mins

1. Knowing God 

We know not if there is God 

But what we must know is, we are there for God;

We know not anything about the existence of God 

But what we must know is, we exist believing in God; 

We know not if God will be with us all the time 

But what we must know is, we are with God all the time, all our life; 

We know not if God has life 

But what we must know is, we bring God to life in our devotions; 

We know not if God belonged to a religion 

But what we must know is, we have created our belongingness to religions in the name of God; 

We know not if God writes the fate of our life 

But what we must know is, we have faith in whatever fate God writes in our life;

We don't know if God does or does not do anything to us to bless us

But what we must know is, we do everything to God to keep Him in bliss;

We know not if God blesses us for our prayers to Him 

But what we must know is, we just believe all the blessings are because of God;

We know not if God curses the evil 

But what we must know is, we just believe all the cursings are an act of God. 

2. Harmonious Religionism 

We do not know how do we come to belong to some religion or the other 

But what we must practice is whatever religion we belong to we are not hostile to other religions while we love the religion we belong to;

We do not know the history of how the religions have evolved to come to be what they are today 

But what we must practice is our affiliations to our religions are to muse devotionally into our religions 

And not let ourselves or anyone else use our religions to divisionally polarize us and our religions to create hostility; 

We do not know how the so-called Gods, historically or mythologically, have come to be the symbolic face of religions

But what we must practice is we worship not only the God of the religion we belong to but all other Gods of all other religions or at least not ignore or be hostile to Gods who don't belong to the religion we belong to;

We do not have a thorough knowledge of the significance of the culture and traditions we practice in our religions 

But what we must practice is, respect the culture and traditions of other religions as religious culture and traditions not only hold only one religion in high regard but also other religions; 

We do not know why religions were formed and to meet what objectives and in what shape religions stand today in our society to shape our society 

But what we must practice is our religions are formed to unite people for social harmony and not divide society religiously for religious harmony 

No religion in society can be in integrity and harmony without each religion preaching and practising its religion for social harmony than for just its religious harmony. 

Society is not to be divided into religions but religions are to be united into one society. 

3. Political Religionism 

We realize not the vile influence of political outfits on our religions in their political discourse to assume power or while in power 

But what we have to realize is that we must neither be lured nor be victimized by the religious power play of the political outfits 

And not allow any political outfit to use our religion as a sugar candy to please us for our franchise to their political outfit 

And also not allow ourselves and our religions be imperilled by any political outfit to win the fancy and frenzy of one religion against the other; 

We realize not how easily and wistfully our political outfits create disharmony and hostility and divide us and polarize our religions 

But what we have to realize is we have to ignore and protest the religious propaganda of the political outfits by way of voting against such political outfits in elections;

We realize not that we fool ourselves by falling to the religious words of the political leaders 

But what we have to realize is that religion of a politician or politicians appeasement to particular religion must not be the only metric to cast our votes in favour of such politicians and political outfits;

We realize not that our politicians and political outfits have nothing to do with our religions to use our religions as their play card during elections 

But what we have to realize is we have to disengage our politicians from engaging us in their religious appeasements during elections or while in power 

And get our politicians and political outfits to engage us in the harmonious social developments than in just religious-political fanaticism;

We realize not that we are disabling and crippling the development of our society by way of our franchise exercised only in favour or against the religious standings of the political outfits or politicians 

But what we have to realize is we must never let politicians and political outfits rule us only by way of playing only the religious card;

We and our society will remain specially challenged until we don't weed out religionism by politicians and political outfits from politics. 


4. Mysterious God

There may be a million Gods in the universe and a billion people worshipping all these Gods 

But all these million Gods are only the different forms of only one God

through the million different forms of God 

This God is the only one mysterious God, in whose name or in finding this God we billion people created a million Gods over thousands of years 

And only this mysterious God is the reason for the creation and existence of our universe 

And all the million Gods on planet Earth in the universe are the creation of a billion people in the name of this only one mysterious God

It is the billion people who created a million Gods except for the one and only mysterious God

Because what we know of science is that humans evolved out of hominids 

So all the million Gods who a billion people worship on planet Earth came after the evolution of the first human beings

So the only mysterious incorporeal God in whose discovery human beings went after their evolution may have resulted in the creation of the million material Gods in different religions over thousands of years. 

Ultimately the true God is a belief and all the million Gods are not true Gods but they become true Gods because of the belief of a billion people 

Who seek to find the one and only mysterious God in their belief through a million material forms of Gods on Earth that they created and worship. 

5. Social Secularism 

Though we identify ourselves with a particular religion 

We don't have to be inconsiderate or hostile towards other religions, and we are not

Because no religion bars us from following that or any other religion 

And all religions have their own identity but no religion denies us to give its identity to us to identify ourselves with that religion; 

Though we worship a particular God, we don't have to worship other Gods 

Because it is not Gods but religions that identify Gods with religions 

And you don't need to belong to a particular religion to worship a particular God 

All we need to worship any God is our devotion and worshipfulness to that God, but never a religious identity 

And worshipping only one God and not other Gods with only one religious identity with no or full true worshipfulness is faux; 

Though we live with one religious identity right from our birth to death 

We don't have to step back from loving other religions and their Gods and we don't and we must not 

Because how can one particular religion and its particular God be for particular people when we are all the same human beings 

And though we identify ourselves with particular religion right at birth 

We don't have to live all our life with only that religious identity but with social identity and we do this and we have to do this;

Though worshipping only one God with one religious identity makes us only discriminative religionists 

But worshipping, respecting and loving other religions and their Gods will make us social secularists

And any nation that needs to be in social harmony needs to adopt and promote social secularism than discriminative religionism

And we do this and we have to do this. 

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