1 min

With eyes filled with crookedness

and flicking its tongue out

the serpent crawls up the tree

to the nest, to gulp the bird's eggs.

Not finding the mother in the nest,

he swallowed the first egg, then the

second one, heard someone's

While going for the third one.

The snake turns the head

to see the mother bird's coming

in an attacking position, to rescue

himself he slithers down holding the third egg.

The mother bird cries her heart out

and cried until her tears became

revengeful for the eggs she lay

and babies yet to be hatched.

Hiding herself she waited

for the snake to crawl out

from his hole, to become a prey

for her painful tears.

The moment came,

when the

snake crawls out and, the

mother bird flew with immense force

and poked him with her sharp beak.

Before the snake could understand anything

a sharp beak poked him again,

this time on the tail, and before he could act

his head got a sharp poke.

The act continued, until

the snake started bleeding

and his entire body get filled

with scratches and bruises.

Now the half dead snake,almost

unable to crawl, begs for his life.

The mother bird catches her and flew,

as high as she could only to drop him dead to the soil.

The snake dropped and after a struggling

for few seconds becomes still.

The mother bird came and with her claw,

took the body to her nest for feasting.

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