Break away from the shackles, Not let sadness curl on, Break away from the shackles, Not let sadness curl on,
"Stop by my heart And listen to it beat, Pulsating through the anxiousness, Running along my soul to... "Stop by my heart And listen to it beat, Pulsating through the anxiousness, Runn...
"Write an end before 'and' so nothing remains in beginning... So nothing remains afterwards..." "Write an end before 'and' so nothing remains in beginning... So nothing remains...
She wanted to paint a new picture on the pages of her book of life .... If only she could break h... She wanted to paint a new picture on the pages of her book of life .... If on...
Our ancestors always desired the best, And framed the traditions that carried the family print. Our ancestors always desired the best, And framed the traditions that carried...
Let not the world put you in shackles, Let not the world put you in shackles,