Selfish Love

Selfish Love

1 min

A mysterious attraction and affection's stories

A part of life belongs to fake meaningless love

A renowned way and well planned hidden conspiracy for glory.

How I was conned!

A path taking mind into pavements of past

Red yet unfolding mystery written by blood red color and all its hues

A broken heart, a breach of trust

Yet ending story with no climax, without clues.

Assassination of trust but why?

A wilted leaf of stalwart plant

A hopeless eye with dry tears

Yet when I hope for nothing

I won't give up

I can live happily my passion with my pen and brushes.

All these stories are very common

People use and throw

The world is filled with fakes

And as I pick each piece of broken trust like glass

I keep memories in my heart and paint on canvas,

And stories of my life in form of book in bookshelf!!!

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