Not Ready For Love
Not Ready For Love
Every night love knocks at my door
Waves at me through the glass window
Tries to ooze in through the cracks of the walls
Disheartened and unable to break open,
Leaves at the first ray of the sun.
I know he will be back again tomorrow trying his luck out
And my best friend advises me to let him in
Before he knocks another door
But what she doesn't know is
The fire in me is dead
And the matches required to kindle the fire
Are wet
And every night I stay awake drying my wet matches
And one day she is vexed with me
And asks me to spread them out in the sun
And I tell her I can't do that
<p>The sun will burn me out
And she gives up on me
So you see, I am trying to save him from me
Deep in my heart I know he too will give up on me
It is just a matter of time because no one likes long winters.
My wet matches have already turned cold this winter
And it would probably take a lifetime to dry them
And to light a fire out of them
But it is okay, I am not in a hurry,
I will redeem myself one day
And probably will find love again
But for now I am not ready for love
I am healing, I am saving myself
And it is going to be a long, cold and dark winter
Before spring sets the matches ablaze.