My Students
My Students

Sweet memories of my students keep me alive, make me laugh, sometimes make me cry.
They are my strength, as long as I am with them feel like a youth who can jump over the Himalayas.
When I am distressed, they pacify me.
They adore me as their own, I also love them so.
When I meet them, forget my agony.
Having everything still they lack something.
They are hungry for affection and need counselling.
They have tremendous vitality in them,
If channelised into a particular point I believe they can do wonders.
I am grieved, when I observe deficiency of ideal leadership in every field,
Whom they can consider as their role models.
Today's youngsters are more conscious of this world.
Driven by youthfulness, sometimes they are misled.
Oh God! I pray to You protect them from tyrannous hands.
They are fed up with the load of education of today.
Oh my little angels you are tomorrow's future.
You can free your country from corruption and lead it towards perfection.
I love you all and wish you be the brave children of my India.