Dr meenakshi Anantram
Our memories
Complete us.
Without them
We are
Blank verse.
The Toothless...
The Rape
To Remember
For the daugh...
The Maze in m...
"You live in a virtual world, with likes, comments and share. Rather in reality, with the people, pl... "You live in a virtual world, with likes, comments and share. Rather in reality,...
This poem is about taking down society's definition of a man and stand by those who deserve to have ... This poem is about taking down society's definition of a man and stand by those ...
Children of war is a reflection on the sad lives that innocent children lead in times of war . Children of war is a reflection on the sad lives that innocent children lead in ...
One day you will be gone from this world, And when you do, my heart will break into a million pie... One day you will be gone from this world, And when you do, my heart will brea...
Reflect on the fleeting nature of life, where love, kindness, and deeds shine brighter than wealth. ... Reflect on the fleeting nature of life, where love, kindness, and deeds shine br...
A narration of revisiting your past! A narration of revisiting your past!
"The Zenith of excellence, the charismatic fragrance of thousands of roses that penetrates the mind... "The Zenith of excellence, the charismatic fragrance of thousands of roses that...
This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person he loves. This poem is about a person being suffered from silent treatment from the person...
The poem is derived from the book. The DaVinci Code, but beneath the surface is a deeply personal st... The poem is derived from the book. The DaVinci Code, but beneath the surface is ...
The oceans rise and fall Full of themselves But not enough to swallow us. The oceans rise and fall Full of themselves But not enough to swallow us.
I did choose this life for me Where I could turn roads the way I preferred them to be, I did choose this life for me Where I could turn roads the way I preferred them ...
An apology may heal, But time will undoubtedly reveal A respite that we shall reach. An apology may heal, But time will undoubtedly reveal A respite that we shall re...
I accepted the darkness and never sought the sun again. I accepted the darkness and never sought the sun again.
I had to throw all those fake laughs and smiles. But my confidence and happiness (was) away a mi... I had to throw all those fake laughs and smiles. But my confidence and happi...
"The night wind, when crosses with, its feather touch to my face makes me maniac" "The night wind, when crosses with, its feather touch to my face makes me mani...
"Sound of clapping wings resonating in yearn, Struggling through crack of the door but spurned..." "Sound of clapping wings resonating in yearn, Struggling through crack of the do...
His reminiscents turned into a nightmare, Parents' tough words turned into venoms... His reminiscents turned into a nightmare, Parents' tough words turned into ve...
I am a forgotten passion, a sad thought, a forgotten song. . . I am a forgotten passion, a sad thought, a forgotten song. . .
Strangers who give me curious looks in the stores, In the streets, rolling down their car windows... Strangers who give me curious looks in the stores, In the streets, rolling do...
inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds inspite of all my flaws Inspite all my odds