Meeting The River

Meeting The River

1 min

The river just met me

In the midst of journey

To find the solace

Why did I need that

How did it came to

Where was I leading

The questions unanswered

The puzzles unsolved

The prizes unknown

Still journey was on

Maybe mood was off

But the gear was on

So while moving by

Saw some birds fly

That too very high

Meanwhile on the path

Came a v junction

A decision to be made

The birds chose the right

I left the option of left

Nothing was going to be theft

There's something about


The serenity offered

And the beauty along with

Following the birds

Met the River

Yes into the solace

Birds stopped there too

To put thirst away or simply a Break

Or maybe a perfect combination

After a while they flew away

Far from the sightings

I was still at the bay

But then came the realization

That was just a station

Not their destination

Motivation completed then

Indeed exactly a gain

Proved to be a bane

Thankful to the birds I felt

Because only for them

The River and I met

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