Dhanraj Gamare

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Dhanraj Gamare

Children Stories Inspirational Children



1 min

In the pages of books, lies a world of wonder,

Where words come alive and stories thunder,

A realm of imagination, where anything's possible,

And literature reigns supreme, unassailable.

From epic tales of heroes, to heart-wrenching romance,

Literature holds within, a plethora of chance,

To escape reality and explore distant lands,

To delve into the minds of the greats and understand.

In the words of Shakespeare, we find love and tragedy,

In the works of Dickens, we see society'

s misery,

In Austen's novels, we find the intricacies of class,

And in Hemingway's stories, we glimpse war's deadly pass.

Through the ages, literature has been a guide,

A mirror to society, reflecting what we hide,

A source of inspiration, a comfort in our pain,

A means to explore ourselves, again and again.

So let us cherish literature, with all our might,

For it holds within, a world of insight,

Of hope and despair, of joy and sorrow,

And in its pages, we find ourselves, tomorrow.

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