Ink On His Hand
Ink On His Hand

Raised by a single parent,
Hold by God, a wink
Love by luck, to the brink
And fate that is transparent.
Heavy as thin and lean,
Went to dream
A bag full of failures
He knew from the beginning.
Rusted and wasted
His all powers and gifts,
Works a labour instead,
For a plate of roti busted.
One in a billion,
Priceless as his mind,
He thinks the same others do,
But it's beyond oblivion.
He shined those shoes,
Dishes in the kitchen
Cars in garage and slept alone,
But his dreams are beyond rules.
Nobody even thought to speak
A boy has a name,
Today's ink on his hand
Tomorrow's brand we have to seek.
Last of quotes
Leftover for those
Stalled near the valleys
Upon everything, he writes on notes.
He didn't rule this world as told
Neither he wished, nor he would.
Just led a life to show us all
"Only that matters what you ought to hold".