Janhvie Karthik

Children Stories Drama


Janhvie Karthik

Children Stories Drama

If Sarcasm Didn't Exist

If Sarcasm Didn't Exist

1 min

Sarcasm, I do it all the time!

When I'm speaking to my boss, or sucking out lime

"I love maths," is a common line

Which each and every soul uses to their teacher during dine

Some examples are from daily life

The easiest sarcasm is saying "I love you," to a wife

"I love dentists," is another phrase

Which is used very commonly nowadays.

"Morning alarms are useful," oh! Sarcasm so clear

I'll whack you if you say that another time, my dear

"I love it when you snore," oh! I know, it's melodious

That was sarcasm too! Nothings' erroneous

"Morning school is fun indeed,"

We'll all smack you, with our entire junior creed

That's why sarcasm's existence is vital definitely

Or else, we shall all be dead right now, no doubt

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