Neeraj Kumar



Neeraj Kumar


Human Crown

Human Crown

2 mins

I see traces of mountains in our floor

A table that looks so fine is a dead tree,

I see part of the earth in the fan giving me cool,

A mirror which was once sand,

I see dead worms in this cloth,

A calf's feed in my cup,

I see a cruel history in my skin,

A lost map in peoples heart,

Some parts of my soul question's 

See what we have all done?

Do ever we humans learn?

We created zoo tonic bridges for ourselves

Then its numina turn,

We have vague reasons

When it's time to return,

I heard a professor once

Conveinianism is our focused term,

Human development has become a curse,

Since the numen, by humans, it was plunged,

Looking at the theories to develop a man/woman,

I learned communism was the best,

Socialism was at rest,

Capitalism w

as the worst,

But, looking outside the pages

It was all real only in words,

Looking through the working world

We saw the definite was reverse,

Smith's invisible hand was at work,

As we travel the time

For us humans,

Conveinianism is in every effort,

Surviving the world we had to fight

The human mind was never bound,

We have to live with our fellow nature,

Grow with it, without letting it drown,

To continue the chains of time

Is to impede the stock that is found,

Respecting the chains of feed

We don't want to reach the tip,

Because we don't want the ultimate to rebound

With its fierce force and sound,

We don't want it to be a verb

Right now we see a noun,

To avoid this human great fall

Eudaimonia should be found

In every aspect of our crown.

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