Forgive And Forget
Forgive And Forget
It's hard to let go,
Of the past long forgotten.
When the seeds of mistakes we sow,
The tree grows tall, very often.
To err is human,
This is what we all say.
But, we find it hard to forget
Some mistakes at the end of the day.
Perhaps it wasn't even a fault,
Maybe it was a different perspective.
Forgiveness is hard, more often than not.
And the 'Sorry' tool, is not effective.
The virtue of forgiveness,
Is considered to be divine.
But, forgiving has an ess
Which we can't undermine.
It's hard to say,
'It's Okay' or that 'I am fine.'
But, it's better than having feelings bottled up...
For ages and ages in your mind.
Time passes by, and days turn to months,
But there remain unforgiven mistakes.
They heap up like leaves in autumn...
And a person's peace of mind it takes...
Believe in 'forgive and forget',
Because that's the way to live.
After forgiving, you won't regret,
Because, greater happiness it will give.