Eyes: Window To My Soul
Eyes: Window To My Soul

You help me have a heart-to-heart talk
With the ones I love and I admire
You speak what I never can
You come to my rescue
When I fall short of words
And just give a look
You express a million thoughts
While I am still trying to articulate them
You hold my secrets with such
That even I fail to notice them
You become the companions
That I always crave for
ck;">With you, I read their minds
With you, I reassure them
With you, I love them
With you, I rebuke and warn
With you, I smile and I cry
With you, I admire the greens
The seashores and the mountains
The snow and the deserts
That becomes my stories
And memories to cherish
You are a window to my heart
Let them peep into this window
So that they see my soul
That stands tall in milky silk
All alone, praying for them
And wishing for their well-being