Bright Star As Steadfast As You
Bright Star As Steadfast As You

Would I be able to become a sparkling star,
Without any wounds or scars
Bright star, would I was as steadfast as you?
Would I shine brightly or my skin will fade away soon?
You'll shine and light up dark nights,
You're unique, Never compare yourself with anyone or a single star.
You are already shining and will always shine,
Even if your color fades, your kindness will be still bright,
You are a sparkling fairy,
Your goodness makes others merry,
And you're sweet as a cherry,
So smile, don't drown in melancholy.
You have gifts of goodness and kindness,
You are God's guardian angel,
No matter what color,
You remain sweet and charming.
Just remember whatever you become,
Humanity should never leave your soul.