Fatima Amin



Fatima Amin




1 min

I'm alone with some people moving on

Some talk less, some talk a lot,

I don't know if they're friends a lot.

I'm alone with some fears I'm moving on

Some are scary, some are not,

I don't know if they're real or not.

I'm alone with some deep wounds I'm moving on

Some hurt more, some hurt less,

I don't know if they'll heal or not.

I'm alone with some fake smile moving on

Sometimes look good, sometimes not.

I'm alone with some burdens I'm moving on

Some are huge, some are small,

I don't know if I'll repay or not.

I'm alone with some secrets moving on

Some can save me, women can lead to death,

I don't know if I'll live or not.

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