Avanish M



Avanish M


A Snowy Night's Time

A Snowy Night's Time

1 min

It's winter all the way,

And barely any day.

It's snows through the dark night,

And snow reaches a tremendous height.


It's snows all times

And the clock chimes

To say the day's over

And there's a whitish cover.


It's so freezing cold

People can't get things sold.

I watch as the moon shines,

Wishing I had more dimes .


The woods fill with snow,

And the wind makes its final blow.

It's a very black night,

Too dark to see a kite.


I see a fire

And a sire,

In a little house

Without a mouse.


I'M out of blue ink for now-

So, Bye and don't get scared by a sough.

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