Charvi Malhotra
Abstract Drama Classics
whom she thought
to be real
was just a beautiful nightmare
Unknown Unive...
A Beautiful N...
A Dream
The blushing ...
Since you ent...
June 18 : Goo...
Love is love
Untold Love
Is it possibl...
Those Days
Are we really the burden of this patriarchal society? Are we really the burden of this patriarchal society?
No longer do I find myself being haunted by an image. No longer do I find myself being haunted by an image.
The joy of mutual self-giving.” The joy of mutual self-giving.”
I am not brainstormed by false allegations I am not brainstormed by false allegations
I die, I am born, I live to die, I die to live.. I die, I am born, I live to die, I die to live..
The poem shows how humans are destructing lives. The poem shows how humans are destructing lives.
But you will be watching me while I make all my moves. But you will be watching me while I make all my moves.
MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman... MY grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman...
Betraying trust is the nee trend Betraying trust is the nee trend
A tormenting endearment in her heart A tormenting endearment in her heart
Where is heaven on earth? Let’s go and see. Where is heaven on earth? Let’s go and see.
But one fine day, many years later, your daughter too will have an angel to see. But one fine day, many years later, your daughter too will have an angel to see.
What shall be the ship's fate? What shall be the ship's fate?
The Man who has seen it all, the man who couldn't die.. but has to bear the burden of the pain of ag... The Man who has seen it all, the man who couldn't die.. but has to bear the burd...
And chirping of birds, And fountains of water And chirping of birds, And fountains of water
The masks of the skulls needn’t be exposed; it may be you, face decomposed; The masks of the skulls needn’t be exposed; it may be you, face decomposed;
It's about the downfalls, the shortcomings and then the rising. The feeling of contentment. It's about the downfalls, the shortcomings and then the rising. The feeling of c...
I thought of the old times when I was here. I thought of the old times when I was here.
The poem shows that it takes time to make art and not even a second to break it. The poem shows that it takes time to make art and not even a second to break it.
Wearing their suits and masks every day our superheroes fought Wearing their suits and masks every day our superheroes fought