A Beautiful Day On The Beach

A Beautiful Day On The Beach

1 min

We are going to the beach,

Take your glasses, coat and bleach.

Come on its late! Let's go!

Form a line, all in a row.

Vroom! Vroom! Vroom! Drives Dad,

With all this noise, Grandma is sad.

After the long drive, we finally reach...


We rush to get off the car,

Chase each other and run out far.

We get into the water, splash and sing,

Play together, and form a ring.

We play with the ball,

While dad gets us ice-cream from a stall.

We spread the mat to have lunch,

We get the food and begin to munch.

Then once more we play,

Jump, dance and sway.



We swim in the water,

and only stop to chatter!!

Then Dad makes a call,

And says "We are going home!! Come on all"

Pack everything, pack!!

Pack everything in the little sack!

Before we leave we have a cup of tea,

And then wave goodbye to the sea.

We get into the car with a frown,

And put on music until Grandma gets down.

"Goodbye", we say,

"Take care!! Hope you had a good day."

Dad starts to drive 'Vroom! Vroom! Vroom!'

We enjoy the ride as there is a lot of room!

We reach our town,

And then get down.

They want to go again but I say,

"I am tired!! I want to go to the bed and lay!!!"

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