An ode to parents and their sacrifices An ode to parents and their sacrifices
Bombs explode, buildings turn into rubble, Well to me, it's not at all a trouble, Bombs explode, buildings turn into rubble, Well to me, it's not at all a trou...
Hey selfish man value your parents, They are the one who did everything for you... Hey selfish man value your parents, They are the one who did everything for ...
To accomplish my goals; I strived my best, To accomplish my goals; I strived my best,
I trusted everyone blindly like a child, I thought like a child, I loved to be dress like a ch... I trusted everyone blindly like a child, I thought like a child, I loved t...
Our parents are our biggest source of strength, Even if we can't talk to them at length... Our parents are our biggest source of strength, Even if we can't talk to them a...