Why Should We Pray To God

Why Should We Pray To God

4 mins

Why should we pray to the Almighty God?

Desires, to make our lives the best, desires, to achieve something, to accomplish something in life, all such desires keep generating in the hearts of each one of us. Because we are badha jeeva (fallen souls), the generation of such desires seems natural. But the question that turns up here is, who is the one who can fulfil all our desires? Whose shelter must we take? Who could be the wealthiest and the mightiest? The one who possesses everything? When we glance upon this world, we find no one like that, the most powerful one, has mercy for everyone and the ocean of knowledge. But when we gape at the creator of this magnificent universe, lord Sri Krishna, then there seems nothing that he does not possess.

We always ask the one who is capable of giving. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Controller, and by his endless mystique powers, he controls everything. Lord says in Bhagwat Gita, that you, implicating soul, are present in your body and your body is the niche of karmas. Therefore, whatever karmas you do, those are limited by the niche or area of your body. Just like an animal tied by a rope can roam in that area but not outside the implied boundaries set by such rope. Similarly, your karma and my karma are tied to the boundaries of our bodies. However, Krishna says “I am present in every kshetra(zone)”. And that’s how, being the Supersoul, Krishna knows what’s going on in your body, in mine and everyone. That is the reason why he is the supreme controller.

Our powers are limited but his powers are unlimited. Because of his controlling power, his desire, this material world functions. Srimad Bhagwat Gita confirms this as well when Krishna says “The whole material nature works under my superintendence. Whatever wonderful things you are witnessing, they all are under my superintendence and supreme control“. Apparently, the desires presented by our prayers, they can only be fulfilled only and only by Sri Krishna. Other than Lord himself, no one else in this whole world even listen to our prayers.

But now a vital question arises does Lord really listen to our prayers and fulfil them? But prior to t

his, answer this question first- If your child, who is already ill, asks for something which can make his condition even worse, will you fulfil his desire? No, right? Similarly, when we ask our supreme father, for something that is injurious for us, he surely listens, but never fulfils such desire. Because he, who loves us, will never let harm take over us. And there can be no one who can love us more than Lord Shri Krishna. Hence, we must always pray to Lord Krishna only.

Sri Krishna, our supreme father, the ocean of mercy, knows what is beneficial for us and what is not. Therefore, whatever he does, shall always be for our benefit. But sadly, we are always engaged in wishing for the ways of sense gratification. If pigs and camels, without any dreadful struggle, are able to enjoy sense gratification, then why can’t we humans? We can, but this won’t be our extreme achievement. Be it a pig or a camel or even human, numerous facilities to enjoy our sense gratification have been provided by nature. So the facilities that we are already getting from the laws of nature, why should we labour for them? In every species, the arrangement for the satisfaction of the physical needs of that species has already been done by nature. The regime for these gratifications is done in the same way as that of miseries and misfortunes. Would you wish to have a fever? No. But it occurs on its own, isn’t it?

Do you put in efforts for this? No. Then how does it occur? Through nature. This is the only answer. If your hardships are given by nature, then prosperity shall also be delivered by it. Do not worry about it. This is the dictum of Prahlad Maharaj. If you get pains and miseries is in your life without endeavours, then you would receive pleasures and happiness without endeavours too. So what is the real purpose of human life? “Practising Krishna consciousness”. Rest all the things would be extracted by the laws of nature, which is ultimately the law of the Lord himself. If I do not even try, then whatever I deserve to receive, due to my past karmas and this body, I will be provided with that. Therefore, your greatest anxiety should be to discover the highest goal of this human life.

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