Trees Day Out
Trees Day Out

Once upon a time, there was an old banyan tree and it was very big. One day a young man removed his shoes and slept under the tree. The tree wanted to walk on his own feet and he wore the young man's shoes and started walking very happily. Giving a broad smile and walked with heavy steps he was very tired standing in one place. So first of all, he sat at a bench after wresting for some time he started walking again and then he smelled something marvelous and walked towards it there was a small house and a poor lady was making a very tasty soup.
The tree wanted to taste a bit so he knocked at the window. The lady saw the tree and got shocked. She asked what do you want the tree said I want to taste the soup a bit can you give a little? The lady said I would give you all but I only have this much to eat today. So the tree said that I will give you 10 mangoes on my head i
s that enough. The lady with a big smile gave the cup of soup to the tree made one of its branches towards the cup and drank the soup. And he gave 10 mangoes to the lady. And started walking again with heavy steps then he saw a barber's shop and saw that everyone was making a hairstyle so he came in and said can I have a haircut the barber said I will do it can you please sit here
Then the barber cut the trees in a wave style. Te tree came out of the shop and walked in a swag; after he walked a distance a lady was hanging wet clothes on a rope. Te tree didn't see the rope and the rope stuck in his branches and the ropes fell down and the tree's hairstyle got messed up with the ropes. He started walking again he came to the same spot from where he started walking from. He removed the shoes and stood at the spot as usual. After a few minutes the man sleeping there woke up