Sonia Arora



Sonia Arora


Time Is Precious

Time Is Precious

1 min

Today I thought we waste lot of time in arguing with others. How the world is so peaceful without argument and fights. When we stop arguing with others, how peaceful the life is. That's why I am a writer on Story mirror. Writing is a struggle of silence. Once we become the writer, we know the importance of time. For a writer time is very short. A writer need to be careful about each and everything in writing.

There is lot of peace in writing. Because everyday we have frustrated from city life. But we cannot do anything about it. So I decided to write my frustration on a paper. It is a fun to write it. After writing my mind become calm and easy. Use your time in writing not gossip. Writing gives you something, you achieved never. Writing will save your time. Now you would ask how?

If we start arguing with people, its hard to finish the argument. But when we talk to our self and write our frustrations and all, then its so easy to correct yourself. Because in writing no one can bound you.

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