Time – An Unsolved Mystery !
Time – An Unsolved Mystery !

Time is one for everyone. We all live in the same clock Time. We have 60 mins in an hour and 24 hrs in a day. But still why do we have different people having different affects of Time? Time is good with some and bad with some. I have a question for you Time? Why are you such an unsolved Mystery?
When we are an infant we are so happy-go-lucky. We sleep without thinking about Time. We eat our food till the time we want to. We play and play till we don’t get tired and then sleep again till we don’t feel like waking up.
Slowly as we grow-up we get into the clutches of Time. Suddenly we are asked to get up on time. We have to be in school & work at a meticulous time. We come home at a definite time. We are penalized for disobeying time.
As we grow little older we are under the control of Time. Modern Time starts g
etting little more complicated. We start running behind Time and sometimes we feel it is running out. Time is slow, sometimes fast; Time is short for some and long for others. Time is good and occasionally bad for some. I still have a question for you Time? Why are you still such an unsolved Mystery?
As we advance through our age, we mature and we have better control on Time. You realize it’s time to change your approach, move-on, think optimistic. Time is too valuable, accept the fact. Time is not something we can change or have more of; live in the present, learn from the past to time your future better.
And finally there is a day when we are tired; we are frail we are no more the same to run behind Time. Suddenly we find that Time also has slowed down. Time now is nothing but memories. Time suddenly seems to be under our control. And we wait for Time to say goodbye.