The Time Traveller
The Time Traveller

It is the year 1914. World War I had just begun. Everyone in the U.S. was ready to give answers if someone would try to attack them. Jonas Taylor, the X-O commander of the U.S. army knew his country will join the World War soon. Jonas wanted to know when the U.S.A. was joining the war. Jonas was thinking day and night about the war and when his country was going to join it. A few months later when Jonas was exercising on a 5-mile ground, he was jogging around the ground. When he was called in the office for a meeting, immediately, Jonas quickly ran towards the office. Suddenly! The land under him slipped, Jonas fell into a very deep ditch. When he landed on the bottom it was filled with human and animal bones, he got terribly injured on his left leg as some sharp bone had pierced his leg. He quickly got up, took his wound. There was cave just on his left side. He went to discover it. He saw several rocks which were green in colour. He was unable to lift the rocks. He took out his walkie-talkie and told the general that he had discovered someplace under the ground. He said that there is a ditch nearly in the center of the ground. He also said that there were several green rocks in the cave. He tried to break a piece of rock, but it was unbreakable. He saw a stone and grabbed it and kept it in his shirt’s pocket. He was rescued by some soldiers who came down with ropes. When he reached the office, he applied for medicine on his wound and covered it with bandages. After his duty was over, he went to his friend fridge. The fridge was one of the best scientists in the world. Jonas was expecting Fridge to k
now the green stone. Just a second later, Fridge told me that it was a stone that could tell the future, present, past of any living organism. Fridge told him to tell the president and the chief man of the army. Fridge gave them the message about the stone. Fridge mentioned that his team could make a time machine in a few weeks by adding the stone at its core. The President, Woodrow Wilson was very glad to hear this news. He was very happy with Jonas’s discovery. A few weeks later, the time machine was ready. Jonas was going to test it, first, so that others were not in danger. Maria, Nick, Chris, Daisy were sent on this mission as well. These four were capable soldiers. The team of scientists set the time machine on “2 days ago’ and back in, “2 min”. There were some crackling noises but they did not tell this to Fridge. The scientist started the test. The soldiers went back into time. Their 2 minutes were finished. Only two members of the crew, Maria Hill and Nick came back. Daisy, Jonas, and Chris were in barren America, 2 million years ago. Soon, Daisy wanted water, but hey did not have water with them. They waster 14 hours of their life without water and food. Suddenly, Jonas had an idea, they were stepping where the office is supposed to be. So there would be that ditch. Chris found the ditch. They all jumped in it and made a safe landing. They go into the cave and pick up the stone and thought where they wanted to go. They wanted to go to the office. Soon, they reached the destination. After that, the ditch was filled with concrete Time Travel was banned and the Time Machine was destroyed. They lived happily ever after.