Prachi Goyal



Prachi Goyal


The Story Of The Dead Soul

The Story Of The Dead Soul

5 mins

We, humans, have a tendency to never enjoy what we have and we always strive for success. We never enjoy life. The relations that we have with the people we love, our friends, family and parents. While changing after the success we are so lost that we have forgotten to enjoy our life, spend time with people that we have around us. In my case, it was my best friend Lana Sparks. Maybe that was the reason she is dead today. Maybe she felt invisible even though she was among the few people who mattered a lot to me. 

I clearly remember our first meeting it was around a year ago. She was a new student in our class. I was not so outgoing and didn't have many friends. Actually, I didn't bother to make some. I always love to be alone. It has its own fun. Many people just become friends with one another for their benefit. Some are backstabbing ones who will show you that they are your only true friend but in reality, they look down upon. Laughing with the whole world about your misery, actually, they enjoy the suffering of others. This world is really cruel, that's why I prefer to stay away from them. It's better to be alone than being surrounded by enemies in the disguise of friends. But Lana was different. When she came she tried to befriend me but I ignored I thought that she would just go away if I ignored her with others but it was the opposite. She stuck to me like a leech. And I slowly accepted her and then we slowly became inseparable. 

It was a week before her death I noticed changes in her. She wasn't talking much. I tried to ask her what was the matter but she brushed me off saying I was worrying too much. I didn't believe her but still left her alone. I often found her in a daze, lost in her own world, she wasn't paying much attention in class, she seemed to be cheerful but I could see through her. The sparkle and the cheerfulness in her eyes we're lost. She may fool the whole world but not me. I am not easy to fool. I could easily see the sadness behind her smile so I tried to cheer her up but still no change. Perhaps I should have insisted that she tell me the reason for her sadness, perhaps I could have solved her problem then she might have been here and this must be the biggest regret of my life. 

I remembered the day she left this world. It was her birthday and as it was our thing, I bought her favourite cupcake and went to meet her in the morning. Knowing her she would definitely be asleep. I rang the doorbell of her house and Mrs Sparks open the door with her usual cheerful smile. Mrs sparks are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. No one can tell by her looks that she is a mother to 17 years old. But one thing I know is that she is very strict with Lana. She often feels stressed out during exams she is so stressed that she almost get tears when she faces any difficulty and panics. I often tutor her for this very reason. Though she is great in studies the only problem is that she expects too much from herself and pressurizes herself. 

"Good morning Mrs Sparks, how are you on this fine morning?" I said with a smile. 

Good morning dear, I am good how are you" She asked in her usual sweet voice

"I am good, where is Lana? Is she still in bed" I asked, looking around. 

" Oh, you know her dear. Why don't you go upstairs and wake her up and come down for breakfast? I made special breakfast for both of you"

"That sounds great Mrs sparks I will wake her up and come down in a minute"

I went upstairs and slowly opened her door. There she is as usual wrapped like a cocoon in her blanket. I went near her and sang in slow whisper "happy birthday to you" but there was no movement. I had a bit of a mischievous idea though she might kill me later it will be worth seeing her face. I bought an ice cup of water and pour all of it on her face. She should have woken up with a jolt but she didn't. I shook her and tried to wake her up but there was no movement. An empty bottle of pill fell down beside her. I gasped and called Mrs sparks. And turned her body. I imagined the worst-case scenario. I knew what had happened but was not ready to accept it. So I called her hoping it was one of the many pranks. 

"Come on Lana it's not funny wake up alright. I am truly frightened could you please wake up and remove all the makeup". I thought it was one of her tricks to prank as she always try to frighten me but was never a success and then complain that I could at least fake it a bit and be a good friend to her but I always reply to her that she should bring something scarier to frighten me. 

Her face was as pale as the ghost her lips colourless and her body was cold. There was a gasp beside me. I turned my head and Mrs sparks were beside me. She was wide-eyed with both hands covering her mouth. She ran towards Lana and pleaded with her to wake up. With shaky hands, I reached for my phone in my backpack and dialled the emergency number. The following hours passed by in a haze as I was too stunned and rooted to the same place only when paramedics arrived and declared her dead and at that moment I realized that she is never gonna wake up and celebrate her birthday ever again and that realization struck me so hard that I broke into inaudible sobs and crumbled on the floor and for how long I stayed I don't even remember. 

The only comfort that I had was that she left peacefully but at the same time, she left the world of the one that loved her in pieces.

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