Aarnavi Kashyap

Children Stories


Aarnavi Kashyap

Children Stories

The Mischievous Apple Thieves

The Mischievous Apple Thieves

2 mins

It was a bright sunny morning in Crimson Valley and as usual it was full of joy and laughter. In that little tiny valley, lived two mischievous brothers named Alex and Julian. They were just five years old but yet were mischievous. They lived with their cheerful and kind aunt Alice and polite and generous step-sister Kate. They had one such neighbour called Mr. Jake who was famous for his enormous apple orchard. The apple orchard was full of tall trees laden with hundreds of luscious apple. Some people were jealous of his apple orchard and some were amazed.

Mr. Jake was a rather interesting person. He was generous to those who helped and were kind to him and gave them apples to eat. But he was rude to those who stole apples from him. He had a loyal and cautious dog named Max who guarded his apple orchard from thieves. So every day after school, Alex and Julian would quietly climb Mr. Jake's fence so nobody would notice not even Max and pluck an apple or two from the orchard. Once while coming back from school, Alex said with a mischievous grin, "Julian lets steal m

ore than one or two apples today. Besides Mr. Jake and his dog don't even notice us stealing apples." Julian replied excitedly, "Yeah! Do let's steal more than an apple or two. It will be thrilling!"

So that day it was decided they will steal a whole big sack full of luscious apples. But that day luck didn't favor them as usual. That day Mr. Jake was personally on guard with his dog because everyday he saw some apples disappear and he himself thought to catch the thief. So when Alex and Julian as usual quietly climbed Mr. Jake's fence and were going pluck apples from his orchard, Mr. Jake and Max chased them. Mr. Jake caught hold of Alex and Max stopped Julian from jumping over the fence. Mr. Jake scolded them for stealing his apples. He then felt pity for them for they were such small kids. He told them stealing was a bad thing and not to cause mischief so much. He made them promise to never steal and to be good little kids. He also told them he will be disappointed if they broke their promise. They apologized to him and promised to keep their promise.

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