Kavitha Chandran

Children Stories


Kavitha Chandran

Children Stories

Thank you Story Mirror Team

Thank you Story Mirror Team

2 mins

Today we received the storybooks sent by you at our home. We are very very happy because my son can read those books. Today was a nice day. Two kids in my colony came and did cleaning work. They are very enthusiastic kids. It is sad that they don't have computer or mobile. It is sad that they have no access to education because of the adversity at homefront. If management can fund them they will be learn . They come from poor backgrounds still those 3 kids did all laborious work today. It is rainy weather here today. Still those 3 little musketeers came for work.

We could not help them much but seeing their helping nature touched me. If management or any rich people see this they must surely help them. One kid Manikandan is their group does not have mother. We felt very sad hearing his situation still he is so happy at heart. I felt sad hearing that his grandmother is only there to support him. He works in small shop too for small pocket money. It is such a sad sight that a talented kid like him doe snot have anyone to

fund him. He was late to approach the Panchayath so did not get any TV or mobile. If he gets small TV then he can listen to classes on Victors TV channel being telecast in Palakkad,Kerala. I don't know much about his whereabouts but I can say something that child is very good. He did laborious task of digging the soil near the coconut trees. He lay all barren leaves in the hole and again covered it with mud. It is so great that even though he is a small kid he did this humongous task.

It is very rare to see such a kid like him. Even though he does not have mother he is happy at heart. He makes other people around him happy. If government can help him they must please this kid. All my villagers like him. Today he made my courtyard very clean. Today I don't have anything to tell you. THis is only happening at my home today. Tomorrow also he will come. It will be nice to have them tomorrow at home because those kids are very loving. It is nice to be in company of kids . They are so innocent with no malice in their heart.

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