શૈમી ઓઝા "લફ્ઝ"



શૈમી ઓઝા "લફ્ઝ"


Supernatural friendship

Supernatural friendship

1 min

A relationship based on selflessness, contract, see each other happy, give happiness, you will come.

But in this Kali Yuga, there is no one's dear, but you are the one who has no one, Radherani's austerity Rukmani's request is the boon of my devotion to Shiva, your friendship...

Without telling each other's heart, there is no commitment or formality, just casual language is enough...for me, the whole world is enough, and my shadow is my friend Krishna...many times selfishness gets mixed in relationships. But in our relationship, neither selfishness nor mere submission is enough, these eyes are thirsty to see your smile...

Seeing you happy makes this heart happy... You are the lord of the world, I am a human being, why should our friendship be maintained... Shiva Lord Father, Gaura Mori Mai...

 My friendship with you will not end like this... even my friend Brahma would have lost sight of our friendship. ...face to face will meet after sacrifice...you are my friend in memory and heart...our friendship can never be compared...

 You may not remember the friend who is looking for you, you may have many like me, but you are the only friend for me...

 Happy Friendship Day...

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