
"Matilda" shouted out Marina and asked ,"Why is everything here starting with the word ''EUROPE''? "Marina,don't you know that today's Europe day"
" What,what is Europe day.....Don't tell me, I'm going to search about it" said Marina and screamed, "Oh wow Europe day is all about the creation of Europe but I still can't understand why you named the Lava cake 'The European volcano'?. "Please Marina we have to get ready for school I'll tell you later about the Lava cake", said Matilda.
Matilda is a stable minded person. Her profession is to bake and hairstyle, she asked her parents if she could have a saloon cum bakery but her parents answered that she can make half of the hall as her bakery not a saloon, she agreed.
Marina is a craft loving person. She likes sports and crafts and watches online on how to make crafts like a Mentos lip stick or glue. Her friends at school feel jealous looking at Marina's crafts.
Looking at Marina's interest on crafts her parents bought her a glue gun. SHE WAS HAPPY.
Matilda is 17 and Marina is 7 years younger than her that means that Marina is 10 years old. You wouldn't believe right but they have an age gap of 7 years in other example if Matilda is 31 years old Marina would be 24 years old. Both of them are complete opposites.
One is great in sports and one is great in food technology and both of them are good in
studies as well. If any occasion is nearby they both look for dresses together and the hair styling and makeup is done by Matilda. At school they don’t have fun together but maybe with their friends at school a lot.They both are not always friendly. They would fight at times or maybe even a lot, sometimes even hit each other.
They were not all the time friendly with each other, they usually fight for small things like for the I pad, for make up, even for not coming to any type of occasions as well they wouldn't talk much in a small age until when Marina was 8 years old and when Matilda was 15 years but after that Matilda and Marina were quiet friendly with each other, they would be nice in front of their neighbors, family friends, relatives and friends, they watch videos together, they bake pizza together.
One day Matilda needed help in her works she usually asks her mother for help but this time Matilda asked Marina something unusual ''Hey Marina can I get you in handy if you are free'' and Matilda answered, ''Sure matey''. The sisters were once going through their pictures and felt that they used to look the same and then said ''Times changed''.
They always are together no matter what. They are never going to stop fighting, they are never going to end baking to cook, to craft, to play, to create and to invent. They are not going to give an end to the dreams.