Prasedha H

Children Stories Horror


Prasedha H

Children Stories Horror



3 mins

"It can creep up inside you

And CONSUME you.....

I feel like a MONSTER!!"

IT edged toward the young man slowly, not attracting attention to itself. The creature then snapped a twig behind him and the boy whirled around with a calm expression as if expecting this to happen.

"What's your name boy? You definitely look like one of those pesky little mundanes, just a bit younger... Ah! For so long have I waited to have the flesh of the young. Something to devour in a hundred years! Guess what!? A lost boy's flesh!!", the creature cackled evilly and smacked its lips.

The boy on the other hand simply held a blank face and whispered one word. Just one word. One word that could make that ferocious, and large creature shrink in its size, back away, kneel down in submission, and whimper loudly in fear. ROCKFIELD.

The boy closed his eyes and when he opened them, a look would have killed a mundane, he was not himself. He had read and black eyes. His eyes glittered with malice and authority, his outfit changed from simple pyjamas to a black rider's jacket with gold ornaments and a red design representing a dragon, and from simple sneakers to a blood-red high-heel boot with a swirling black design- he grew a bit in height and his whole form changed. After all, it wasn't any boy, but a pale woman with black witch-like nails. Janice Rockfield. That's who she was. Anyone would have mistaken her to be a vampire, but if only they knew.

"DIE", she simply said it, twirled her fingers once and stalked away, past the creature that was crumbling to dust, climbed on her black Ducati with matching patterns of boots and rode out of the park. Before leaving, she left a red and black fang-like pin with the Rockfield crest on it, buried it into the sand next to the marble fountain so that she would be reunited with her other half. She left it there casting some magic on it such that only her other half would be able to see it, and in others' eyes, it would just be a rock. She left it there for her other half- Carlos Skye to find it.

Janice looked up for the last time after 20 years from her throne and she, the Queen and Master of all Supernatural, waited. She waited endlessly to be joined as one with her other half. She later turned into stone and unlike all other fairy tales, she did wait, yes, but her other half had to revive her by holding her hand and intertwining their fingers and call out to her. Yes, in the end they did get back together, became one and ruled the world. But then, Carlos was still human, he died in the arms of his beloved and the whole process started again. She then again waited endlessly until Carlos was reincarnated.


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