Poverty Is A State of Mind
Poverty Is A State of Mind

I opened my email account on my phone and instantly clicked on the mail from Storymirror about wordplay. I began reading the mail and the three words caught my eye. Ideas began to flood my head but there was one gem of an idea that stood out. I thought about writing about the phrase "poverty is a state of mind". I had recently presented a speech in English class for my speaking test. It was on this very phrase.
This phrase teaches you something very important and useful. It teaches you that you are not defined by the money in your bank account. This phrase points out that if you have a depressed and negative view on life and don't think positivel
y then you are poor. Your happiness is not dependent on your net worth but on your thoughts. You are poor and in pain, if you don't have a positive perspective and take on life.
You will never be happy if you are negative. If you can't afford the best car, the prettiest dress or the fanciest house you are not living in a state of poverty but you are if you are depressed about not being able to afford these. things. By changing your perspective on life you go from living in a state of poverty to living in uber luxe. This paragraph may sound very corny but it's still about something that is true. I hope that you learned something after reading it.