Papa! I Am Yours
Papa! I Am Yours
“Papa! I am yours.”, A shrill voice made me to look behind only to find Amitesh, my ten years old son, came running very fast and hugged me with a python might.
These very words of belonging “I am yours” made my eyes welled up with tears and I muttered:-
“ Amitesh! You are mine, though you are not mine,
We both had been awaiting each other for births together.”
“Papa! What has made you oblivion to the surroundings?” Amitesh shook me with all his strength making me come out of my reverie. Entire story, that sequence of events, flashed before my eyes as if it all happened yesterday itself, when I embarked upon adoption journey.
Being a single male and adding to that with a stamp of being a divorcee made the situation worst and it proved a Herculean task of convincing the adoption agencies people, preoccupied and loaded with suspicion about the capability of a male to raise a child. But as the saying goes “If there is a will, there is a way” I was the luckiest person on this mother earth having found Amitesh as my son who was three and a half years old at the time of adoption. Amitesh has now turned ten years old into a handsome and pretty sensitive son.
pa! This is my report card and I have scored A1 grades in all the subjects.” I could notice a big smile on his cherubic face and observed that his happiness knew no bounds.
“But papa! Do you know some children asked me as to why the column against my mother’s name was blank on the face cover of the report card?”
I was taken aback upon hearing these words that pierced my heart and shook the floor underneath my feet. Yet I gathered myself and pretending to be unperturbed and wearing a stoic expression over my face I asked him “What did you reply then?”
With an angelic innocence and depth of the sea in his eyes he said “I said they all came from the tummy of their moms. Their moms and they are therefore different and separable. But I am from the soul of my father. We both are, therefore, inseparable and single entity. We are one, not two.”
I stood dumbstruck at the ease, this ten years old child untangled this intricate riddle in a philosophical way. I stared in horizon and muttered :-
“ You are my first love at first sight,
You are the one I had been awaiting for ages,
Yes! You are mine, though you are not mine.”