Arpita Ranka



Arpita Ranka


Long Distance Friend

Long Distance Friend

2 mins

To my long-distance friend,

It's been a common practice for us, writing letters to each other, sending postcards on vacations, using those very few pictures every year for birthdays or any other special occasions. Half of our friend-list goes like, "This picture? Ah, not again."


Well, only if everyone understood the amount of planning that goes behind every single video call. People have romanticized the concept of long-distance relationships all over the years. But long-distance friendship? They surely are missing out on a lot. I have often been fired questions about how do we even manage to stay there for each other even after being time-zones apart. You know, it's natural for us, we sure have to try, but it all falls in so naturally.

You are always the first person to know about my dates, and I, about your heartbreaks. They'd never know the charm of an unexpected call in the middle of the night only to tell me how your day at work was shitty or how you got pretty nails done for cheap. Or how you messed up your Starbucks order or how you failed your driving test or some crazy gossip you've heard.

Our bucket list is always increasing. Every month, we add new things, be it shopping together, going to a concert or a trip to some exotic beach. All we know is, one day, won't be like all the other days, and we'd do it. To have someone believe in you and be there for you, not just through thick and thin, but even through rash decisions and bad hangovers, distance is never a factor, and it will be. It only makes us stronger and realizes how important this friendship is, and would be, for years to come.

P.S.: You're still a crazy person but I know you'll conquer it all soon!



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