Lockdowns Impact On My Life
Lockdowns Impact On My Life

It is amazing how lockdown has changed our life. Before lockdown we used to be indulged in our own works and so busy in changing the future without enjoying the present, we forgot our loved ones and only worked. But now staying at home for such a long time, we found those loved ones again, our family. Also, we have adapted to less junk food and healthier habits. We also reduced pollution to be much lesser than before. But staying at home we have developed an obsession with gadgets. We work from home with the help of gadgets, study with the help of gadgets, and also spend our time on gadgets. We are changing psychologically as well ad physically. Not talking to friends is a big problem for teens. Even though they have video calls, they can't stay online for long. By the tim
e lockdown ends, everyone would have a loss in their sight. Continuous exposure to the screen will affect people a lot. Staying at home makes students work harder than before because though they have less pressure on exams, the pressure of completing notes and understanding concepts online has increased. And nowadays, during this lockdown period, people have come to build a connection with their terraces and balconies. In conclusion, the lockdown has some advantages and disadvantages. Also, it has a huge impact on our lives. So all I ask from you is to stay safe and have patience. All of this will come to an end. Do not go out often and try to stay at home as much as possible.
Enjoy with your family and yes don't stick to gadgets the whole day.