Punit Pandey



Punit Pandey


Govt Jobs Salary Decreased

Govt Jobs Salary Decreased

3 mins

My Govt Jobs affected during Lockdown India, Salary decreased.

I am writing this topic about govt jobs. Those people doing work under state govt jobs not getting salary timely because of corona( COVID).After I finished my high school admitted to UG courses but not able to continue so that I join back in 2004 a clerk position on the local municipality to support my family. Currently, I am the Senior Clerk in Municipal corporation India.

From 2004 to 2006 I enjoyed work with the municipal department, I have learned lots of things and now I am a Senior clerk under corporation, So far I have managed to complete my degree B, A in distance mode. But Could not able to crack any examination under Central govt. I have spent lots of money to buy application form of SBI Clerk Exam, SBI PO/BA exam, Indian railway Ticket Collector Exam, UPSC exam, WBCS jobs, UPSC NDA/NA Exam, IBPS several SO/PO posts Exam, Police, Food corporation of India and spent more than 2 lacks Indian currency to get Preparation book from amazon store, book market, coaching center and from the various publisher. But still could not able to crack the final Exam. I am very nervous when Sarkari results out and I could not find my name in the merit Lists.

I am hopeless and tired to sit govt job exams. My current job is not satisfying my life because of politics involve in Corporation.

I have subscribed to my email to get the latest govt jobs to update from various job portal India to get the latest notification, exam

ination tips, information about admit card, Hall ticket & results. Some other biggest site India I follow employment news gazetted Hal job site, TNPSC, WBPSC, Cooperative banking & Indian Army.

I want to change my govt jobs interested to work with Central government jobs. Central govt gives a better salary over State govt along with attractive benefits. I think the COVID virus has ended the hope of to journey with the train to attend an exam.

I have found some of the useful sites during a pandemic to do extra income such as part-time data entry jobs under a site called

People who want to do earn extra income doing some data entry jobs during there spare time must logon above site.

In India, people are jobless since April 2020 because Of corona. My all family member under the age of 30 years want to change there career from private to Govt jobs. There is a huge salary drop in private sectors, most of my family members, friends are jobless. Few of them were top Manager an MNC company India. Corona has finished everything in our career especially people employed with private companies.

But Some state govt is not paying 50% of salary and they are spending all of our money to do politics. Therefore, it is better to move Sarkari jobs like top organization Eastern Railway, DRDO, HAL, NAL, FCI India, LIC India, State Bank of India, PNB Bank and other various service sector jobs.

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