Glimpses Into The Past : Holi
Glimpses Into The Past : Holi

The first thing that comes to mind when the subject is 'Colours', surprisingly is not about the landscape splashed with colours of new blossoms, after the stark white winter season. It's the festival of Holi, popularly known as the Indian "festival of spring", the "festival of colours", or the "festival of love".
As a child, this festival was perhaps the most fun one. THE one day when all restrictions were lifted and we were allowed to dunk each other in buckets of coloured water, clothes drying on us, getting wet again and again drying till the sunset in the west. Mali (garderner) had the water tank filled the previous day, to which he added the coloured powders. Presto.. a cemented tank full of coloured water supply!
Half-century back, there were no fancy water pistons. The traditional brass ones we're used to spraying on each other, and if that was not enough, we all climbed inside the half-filled tank and splashed about like water hens, cackling, mouths full, chewing on the special sweets and savouries made for the occasion.
Parents had their own share of fun on the lawns guzzling down beer and Bhang, made from cannabis flowers and leaves ground with almonds, yoghurt, looking all happy and dreamy-eyed. 
;How were we to know they were high on the delicious homemade drink? We had our 'high' moments chucking water-filled balloons and enjoying the unsupervised revelry. To get rid of those colours took a lot of scrubbing, and weeks to return to a stain-free appearance. No wonder in school the next day, we failed to recognize our friends till the voices gave them away. The Nuns had a hard time too, confusing names and identities. They were sportive, chuckling, stifling smiles, with the slip-ups.
Back to the present...The Corona virus scare has imprisoned kids, adults, elderly, without exception. Holi is colourless today. Not a fair deal for the little ones! We 'oldies' stopped playing anyway. But then it's better to be safe than sorry.
What is Holi without the cloud of colours?
What is Holi without food flavours?
What is Holi without beating drums?
What is Holi without songs sung?
What is Holi without scary faces coloured red, green, blue, purple?
Where are the mischievous coloured elves of our days?
Watching cartoons on TV I guess!