Ex Narrate

Ex Narrate

5 mins

Its hard to believe, while he asked the same question which I was about to think only.

What's going wrong with you?

I lost myself in the darkness and was really not able to see a single light from it. I lose the one.

Why don't you move on?

I wish to be but the moment I share with her are really unforgettable, it seems to be like it happened other day day only. Even I can't believe how time and she has changed.

What about your goal?

I decided my goal to be with her, but fortune took a great turn and somewhere I was lost in the path, where do I have to go?

Why don't you patch up?

I wish to, but she won't. I know its a mistake, even I apologise. But the fact is like she didn't get only.

Why she didn't get you?

She says not every problem's solution is to apologise, you have to get those feel for your mistakes, even I don't know what it is?

Why don't you focus on yourself?

Its really hard to but those memories make me fall down and make me see all real faces.

Why don't you erase those memories only?

The touch of her hand are still on my hair, lips and my whole body. While I fully surrender myself to her and it's said to be lust not love.

Why did you use lust and love?

Before we both were in love and after having lust we faded our love.

You or she faded for love?

I faded for love, just because I got my need from her, while my goal is to have lust only not love.

Why do you still care for her?

After leaving her, I learn what is love and what is all about love?

Do you really need her for love?

No I again wish to battle for our wetness. Just because the touch she made in me our uneraserable and no other can do.

Just for her, you will stop?

She doesn't make me than why should I stop myself just for a single girl. No way I will make my self that better that she would how much I sacrifices without her.

After 6 months.

Finally I changed with new looking and different style, may be girls are dieing for me, she makes me that perfect that others girls are creamed to be having me.

Why does she blush after looking at me?

I think she still loves me and she can't express so may be she did or someone is behind.

Why you think she blushes for you only?

I knew her after me, she can't do anything wrong may be shewill ignore all time but our love is still alive.

Why we hesitate after looking you?

Maybe she can't handle my new change and even I am too busy with my schedule, I can't get her and her nightmare woke me up every single day.

After 1 week finally they chat formally. No lovebites stupid pagal.

What she said to you?

I think I should forget her just because she would never know how much I sacrifice without her.

Did she got someone else?

I don't care, may be she would be with someone else also, she won't deserve my change how I did?

You still love her is it?

Yes, not a single day I don't remember may be she faded my love for me. But I know how much I love her.

After a month I met my with friend she was dating him and knew one good news finally she got me with different face.

What do you feel about her?

I think I should accept for what she did? Even I am mature enough I deserve better than her.

Why you still miss her?

Its not easy to believe your lover is with someone else and you don't even enough how he is? Is he make him feel more better than me.

Is he handsome than you?

I wish he should be and make you more happiest girl than me. I wish she got lots of happiness. Oh god save her.

Why you wish to meet her?

I can't believe how easily she forgot me and went to different guy. The day I was the only reason for her single smile and today she smiles for everyone.

Finally they met with their whole group of junior college, while it was my birthday. With lots of group pic.

Did she approach you?

Yes, she did with a smile and neglect me as I am no more present with her.

After that day you look happier?

I Congrats her for new branded life and I thank her for leaving me only.

My tears feel to fall but my words make her shameful that she can't even have a perfect eye contact with me.

Which words make her more shameful?

While I ask her finally you get me with different face and how did you fall for him? And why tears are for me still.

After 3 months. And after a long back.

Did you still feel for her?



She changed her no, without a dp,

Still she expect he will text me once.

She wish to make her new world,

When she left the world which she need.

She got too many princes,

When she is waiting for his text.

Eyes wish to narrate something,

But world see the beauty in eyes too.

Still little feel for him, his hair and smile,

When I pretend to ignore him, while standing beside me.

World see the beauty in me, Judge me to,

While all the pain is for him only...

How did you narrate this story?

Finally she make me a writer, may be she neglect my story it's ok, all I knew is I narrate for her and I love her.

And I am thankful for her to making me a writer...

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