Payal Khode



Payal Khode


Dreams To Die For

Dreams To Die For

3 mins

We all have some dreams in our life..In this race of life everyone wants to be an billionaire,but no one wants to die for their dreams.

I think that to complete our dreams we should first start to live for our dreams. Dreams does not have any language, it is an art, it is an attitude, it is always an effort of an intelligence, it is something which does not have any limits.

We have only one life friends, do something which makes yourself and others proud. Do something that everyone knows by your name and work. Always thinks bigger because..

"great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended"

Who said that some dreams will never be complete they only looks beautiful in fairy tale it does not happens in reality... It is really so guys.. We are the youth of our nation if we think like that what about the upcoming generation what they think about us...

If we does not any courage to complete our dreams we will never be successful in this journey of life.If we fail to achieve our dreams take a calm breadth and believe that you are not only who is going through it. It is truly said that

"failure is the first step of success" if we fail then only we know the value of something.

Take an example of an "Indian Army" they never think of their life their dream is only to make our India free from enemies . They sacrifice their life for us only to save our life and makes our India proud.

If we want to achieve something first believe that what we are and start sacrifices to achieve it ...because we can't achieve success by simply sitting in our homes...

Like everyone I also have many dreams in my life. One of my biggest dream in my life is to proof myself in front of those people who said that now your daughter can't do anything in her life because she score less marks in 12 examination and we all known our society that they judges us on the behalf of marks not talent. Even my parents also loose hope in me...

Look guys from that day only, their is not a single day in my life that I am not making my parents proud and also i know that one day everyone knows me by my name because I don't want to die simply I want to die by making my name in this society..because I never loose hope and I am not that kind of a person who does not want to do sacrifice to complete their dreams.

I also want to start NGOs and campaign for the 'save girl child' and I really mean it ,that one day my every dreams comes true because I have a courage and faith in myself that one day I will also give my little contribution to makes our country proud because i believe that don't dream to be something but rather dream to do something great...

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