Broken Toe
Broken Toe

You know, there is a phase of your life when you feel like losing things and people you love just to shutoff your restlessness. You decide a path solo and start moving up slowly with your heavy back-pack to the summit but after some good miles, your knees start to burn and you decide to rest. You climb up again, take rest, climb again in continuation so that you reach far enough from the civilization.
Now, suddenly you realize you are under a memory rush that has consequently filled the blood pumping stone in your body with nostalgia. You start feeling every sentiments at the wrong place, which has eventually slowed you down. So you take a rest against a rock again and in between that time, your trained brain numbs your heart and you start moving again until the darkness falls.
The m
orning begins with a new fight and its when you find yourself on your cold icy bed. After gaining enough strength to open your frozen eyes, you finally find the broken pieces of your body, all shattered in the snow like a riddle. You even look around for help but you find no one to fix your wild soul. At that point, you feel like quitting momentarily, but how could you ?
How could you ever stop your cruel feet when they did not stop while moving away from the best thing you ever found?
How can someone stop the cold-blooded brain which is craving for more and the heart which is blindly after the brain?
I believe at such instants, you rise to climb more, to explore more and to leave your footprint behind for other admirers cause this is the best you can offer to heal your soul.